Thursday, February 12, 2009

Neena's 1st Newscast for families:Intentional Remember/Forgetting

This is my first time to blog! I read on another blog that it is like talking to everyone and at the same time talking to no one! I have to agree but I am going to give it a try so please join me! To add a little excitement, my keyboard is sticking so it may be a real adventure just reading Neena's first newscast for families. Maybe you know me as Ms. Karen, Mrs. Hobart, Karen June, or Momma and to some I am called KJ but I welcome everyone! (To give a clue the letter lmnopq is missing)
What is the biggest stumbling block that families encounter? 38 years ago I brought home my first of what would be seven children home from the hosp-ital. I panicked as I looked at my 5lb. dream we named Micah and I called my Momma who lived 300 miles away. This was my question: "Mom, what do I do now to not screw this u-?" Now I must say the question is worded a bit differently than the one earlier stated never less the meaning is the same. My Momma's answer had the air of simplicity but I would discover it was far more complex. Her answer seemed almost magical: "Honey just keep- a good memory; remember what built you u- as a child and forget all the mistakes that caused you to stumble." The culmination of 39 years of marriage and 6 more babies created the stage for me to understand just how complex that simple answer was.
I was to learn that forgetting was impossible if your inside was filled with so much anger and bitterness that it would just overflow out of control. The inability to do the "forgetting" part created a real stumbling block to the "remembering your blessing" part! It became an exhausting work that I named the "art of forgetting" that always failed. Fortunately for me I was introduced to my Heavenly Father and discovered that forgetting could only ha--en by FORGIVING and being FORGIVEN! Micah was 41/2 and Seth Aaron was 6 months old when my love affair with our Lord began and consequently my life began to change.In Our Daily Homily, F.B. Meyer wrote a short reading that he titled "Remember past Blessings" The following are some bit and pieces of his extraordinary wisdom: "...we may encourage our faith and comfort our hearts, by musing on the hand of the Lord which has been u-on us for good." As I have coached parents I have paraphrased Mr. Meyer by saying, "God wants us to give His blessing back to Him in the form of worship, thanksgiving, and praise. As we do, the blessings will crowd out the hurtful feelings as there just is not room in the heart to house both!"
Mr. Meyer addresses forgiveness in the following beautiful manner: "God does not remember the sins of the past. When God forgives, He forgets. He erases the record from His book, and deals with us as though no sin had been committed. When we get to heaven and study "The Way-Book" we shall find all the deeds of love and self-denial carefully recorded, though we have forgotten them; and all the sins blotted out, though we remember them."

"Tune in" with me for my second broadcast tomorrow and I will share more on the necessity of remembering and forgetting as it concerns the INTENTIONAL PARENTAL. I welcome your comments and questions. Thank you for dropping in and I hope the keyboard added to the excitement of reading rather than the absolute frustration that I felt every time I clang on the "letter P"
Forward my blog to others that might have fun with our chats. Goodnight and we'll talk some more tomorrow. I am signing as NEENA because that is what my first beloved grandbaby named me after he woke from his nap-. He was 2years and one week when he made the announcement: "Nana I think I will call you Neena, is that OK?" As the coveted 1st grandchild the answer is always yes. He gets the honor of the name. Jacob is now 8 years old and he leads the pack of 5 soon to be 6 grandchildren who call me Neena. With my history exposed Neena says "Good night and May God bless each of you."

(Since my P is fixed I decided to come in and put the P back in for easier reading! Thanks for reading and please share your thoughts by posting a comment.)

1 comment:

  1. Neena- We can't wait for all your words of wisdom...and great stories to come on your blog! I never would have thought you'd have your own blog, although it's the best place for you to spread your knowledge to your family, friends, and clients! What's next...Facebook?
